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  La Monte Bianco TLC Presenta: La Valdigne

Valdigne -> Visite d'istruzione liceo -> Liceo Courmayeur: Inghilterra 2005 -> 21st April 2005
oEveryday lessons
o19th April 2005
o20th April 2005
o21st April 2005
o22nd April 2005
oReceiving our diplomas
[Salisbury Cathedral] [Stonehenge] [Returning from a day out] [Edoardo's birthday]
Salisbury Cathedral
Click for zoom 80688 Bytes In the medieval town of Salisbury, with its winding river full of ducks and swans, stands an imposing cathedral. Its spire can be seen from great distances. In the cathedral chapterhouse we can find one of the four remaining copies of the Magna Carta, which contains the first laws and human rights written in 1215. The Magna Carta can be compared to our Charte des Franchiges.
Click for zoom 58527 Bytes Begun 5,000 years ago, Stonehenge is the most important and perhaps the most mysterious prehistoric monument in Britain. It dates back to the New Stone Age (about 1,800 B.C.). While we walked around this magnificent sculpture we listened to the legends and stories it has inspired.
Returning from a day out
Click for zoom 66406 Bytes Back home, tired and hungry, after an interesting day out. A group photo taken outside the fort with Poutsmouth habour in the backround.
Edoardo's birthday
Click for zoom 58190 Bytes Celebrating Edoardo's birthday with English chocolate cake and sparkling wine after dinner at the fort. For Edoardo it was a great surprise.

[Everyday lessons] [19th April 2005] [20th April 2005] [*21st April 2005*] [22nd April 2005] [Receiving our diplomas]

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Monte Bianco TLC di Consuelo Rigamonti & C. S.a.S. in sigla Monte Bianco TLC S.a.S

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